Friday, June 16, 2006

Just dropping by ...

Hey Ladies and Gents :) It has been way too long!!

Things that have changed: Where I live, whom I live with, where I work, and how I feel ... and probably my hair colour. Can't remember :P

I've moved to a wonderfully fantasticablé ole farmhousey type place on a HUGE property with two (get this Lataun...) ***PHENOMENAL*** girls!! Living in this house and waking up to a gorgeous warm, bright and beautiful sun in the morning is a great feeling. Especially, with the lakeside view!! The girls bring life and laughter all the time and it's such a joy to live with them! To keep names off the site, we'll stick with Mars and Latté :) Hope ya don't mind :)

I work at a wonderful little section of healthcare as the HR/Finance Assistant. A job that I didn't think I deserved, but am having an absolute BLAST with. YES! I have a cubicle and YES! I like it! And if I sit up really really straight I have a lakeview :) Which is faboo :) I work with WONDERFUL ladies who spoil me with their patience - especially since I'm the young'un in the place!

Lastly, how I feel! Well, truthfully, this week has been TOUGH! SO TIRED and just really needing some good rest and downtime. The job is stressful at times but it definitely hasn't gotten to me yet! I've changed a lot in that area since 2nd year of university - oy vay! Good thing too. I'm loving life a lot more than I used to, and could love it with a lot more ease if I just weren't so durned tired all the time. I think some multi-vits are in store ... multi-vits and a coupla-steaks for dindin ... y'know boost that iron. Anyway, other than the tiredness, I'm having a good time. I'm not getting around to my art which is really kicking me in the pants. There is SO much I want to work on/have to work on, but just have to sleep so I can be ready for work the next day.

The newest exciting thing yet is ... THE KILN!!

Many MANY huge HUGE thanks to Jack VanDorp (king of france and hero to us all) for making it all happen. You're a gem Jack. Thank you!

Next time you see me, ASK me about it. Don't want to post it yet, cuz for some that may or probably may not read this blog, it will be a fun surprise!

Anyway, I'm off to the goodness of Sarnia tonight - wish me well, for it may be a gruelling Saturday of SculleryMaiding and surreptitiously sneaking prohibited drinks!

Sing and dance in your car. Then wink, smile and groove for the people who think they are "catching you" doing something embarrassing.

I've taken up this wonderful habit lately and find that it causes lots of enjoyment for all involved! Except those who end up in the fenderbenders.

1 comment:

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