Thursday, March 30, 2006

Workin' next to The Steve.

I GOT A JOB!! Can I get a WOOOOOOOOT!??!?!?

So sorry for all of you who had high hopes for the Conservative Government. Cuz guess what?! I've got a quasi-government job! (The "quasi'" prefix just means that the title of this post may be a little far fetched).

Anyway, I finish my current job come the 5th.
I start my NEW job come the 6th.
(and then I pass out for the whole weekend afterwards from being SO unbelievably overwhelmed!)

I'm looking for a place to move in the Hammer (HAMILTON!!) and I'm looking for a sweet set of wheels! Well, used, but sweet nonetheless!

I'm looking forward to all these changes and all these new things that God has blessed me with! I hope I can rise to the occasion!


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